Today in Aqaba Jordan the ITF Seafarers Trust announced the launch of a new three stage occupational safety and health education program for port workers.
Initially this ambitious training program will be rolled out in the ITF Arab World covering 31 ports in 12 countries,* engaging with some thirty six ITF affiliated dockers trade unions with the potential to reach some 60,000 workers. The programme features an app based awareness raising component followed by face-to-face training and work place assignments. It is designed to increase worker participation in the OSH agenda, complementing company initiatives where they exist creating a safer environment for both dockers and seafarers visiting the ports.
The Trust project benefits from the strong support of the ITF’s regional office in Amman and the ITF Dockers’ Section OSH Working Group.
Speaking at the launch, Katie
Higginbottom, Head of the ITF Seafarers’ Trust said
“Occupational safety and health in the maritime sector is priority area for the Trust and we are delighted to be working with committed leaders in a region with enormous challenges. We have brought together a team with exceptional technical skills and experience and aim to have a dramatic and sustainable impact over time. This is a win-win for maritime workers and their employers.”
ITF Regional Chair Seddik Berrama said “We are overjoyed. Workers in this region are determined to improve their health and safety outcomes.
This program will set them on a path of progress. Ports are inherently dangerous places. All workers deserve to come home to their families at the end of the shift. The Seafarers Trust health and safety program is a game changer for us.”
ITF Regional Secretary, Bilal Malkawi noted “The origin of this project came from the request to the Seafarers’ Trust for help with an ambulance in the port of Tunis which resulted in a serious discussion around cause and effect. We are convinced that this training programme will go a long way towards educating workers to play a key role in prevention and ultimately reducing the number of accidents and tragic fatalities.”
*Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Tunisia and Yemen
For further information please contact:
Mary Bollan, Office and Communications Manager, email: mary @ seafarerstrust. org Tel: +44 (0)7786 516131
Note to editors
The Seafarers Trust is a UK charity established in 1981, funds programmes that advance the wellbeing of maritime workers, seafarers and their families. We are funded by the Trust’s own capital funds, and by the investment income of the Welfare Fund at the International Transport Workers Federation, a global federation of transport workers’ unions with over 4.6 million worker members.
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